

INSUP FORMATION is a non-profit association which provides training activities aimed at the educational, cultural, and social activities as part of lifelong learning of young people without qualification and adults.

Since its creation in 1978, INSUP FORMATION has grown and developed into one of the leaders in vocational training in the South West of France (23 locations with a workforce of 215 fulltime employees and about 20 000 trainees a year).

INSUP FORMATION has been offering training courses, initiatives and managed projects in favor of vulnerable groups, in particular young people aged 16 to 25, jobseekers, beneficiaries of social schemes, handicapped and/or low-qualified workers, prisoners serving a sentence, migrant people.

As per its legal status, INSUP FORMATION is committed to the social and professional advancement of its trainees. We provide the skills that will allow for successful integration and progress at work and in society.

In a world of increasing exclusion, INSUP answers by making the gamble that human beings should be considered as resources and a driving force for positive transformation of organisations and society. People can bring change when they are offered a chance to regain the power to say “yes” and to do things.

All our training actions are shaped to be a sources of motivation, empowerment to generate social cohesion and inclusion into active partnerships at personal, local and social levels.

INSUP FORMATION is specialized in Open Distance Learning, particularly through its subsidiaries, using software engineering and teaching methods applied to the design of training projects and supports for training devices.

INSUP’s main fields of activities are :

-Social Cohesion / Equal Opportunities programmes : socialisation and remobilisation collective actions, training workshops, training for prisoners, French as a foreign language, literacy, illiteracy, key skills, etc.

-Vocational guidance, job search, support into employment

-Skills training (sales and trade, security, industrial cleaning, office skills, accounting, computer, litteracy, languages…)

-Digital engineering

-International cooperation : EU projects (Strategic partnership and mobility programmes for our trainees and trainers )

Support for active inclusion

Educational programs-EU

UE – Educational programms

Our organisation has been involved in various European and international training and co-operation programmes for 20 years around key competences, softskills, intercultural skills, training actions and tools for vulnerable groups (detainees, migrants…).

Insup has specific Erasmus+ programmes for its trainees and staff

Recently we have coordinated two Erasmus + strategic partnerships (Key Action 2) :

– the DIME project : “Development of a skills reference framework and of training modules to promote the Inclusion of Migrants to Europe” with Mediterranean countries (Spain, France, Greece and Italy). We developed :

– a skills reference framework of formal and non-formal skills required for the inclusion of migrants

– 21 modules, methods and interactive pedagogical tools

– the AKI project with mobility operators and companies from Germany, Belgium, France and Quebec to better identify and recognise transversal competences, developed by young adults (18-30) in international mobility projects.

Two outputs :

– The guidebook of 5 AKI transversal competences acquired in international experience;

– A toolkit (individual competences recap sheet) giving birth after the project to the AKI APP.

This project has been labelled as success story by the European Commission !

Insup is also KA2 partner among them :

-Migratory Musics : A partnership between belgian, french, greek formal education, artists and training organisation to promote the mother tongue of pupils in primary schools and improve the communication between teachers and migrant parents and the mothers’ social inclusion.

Creation of innovative pedagogical supports (CD book, sound creation, Mooc) to better cooperate with allophone mothers and migrant children

-SELF I : Self-empowerment of guidance advisors and VET trainers for the promotion of social inclusion of refugees, asylum and adults in career transition. Sharing and exchange approaches, methods, tools on the identification of skills, competencies and qualifications between vocational and career guidance practitioners, learning providers,researchers, trainers- Italy, Germany, France, Greece

Ongoing projects (2019-2023) :

-FAPMAP – Easi programme for Employment and Social Innovation

The project aims to facilitate access to qualifications and professional integration for people with few or no qualifications and creates pathways including the reinforcement of so-called “basic skills”, linked to the reference frameworks of the professional certifications (levels 3 and 4) and the targeted trades.

Partnership : national permanent training organisations, the ministry of french education and vocational training organisations. Output : modules contents

-MOTIVACTION- Developing the outreach of high-quality career guidance services for unemployed adults by favoring the establishment of an “open door”, digital and multi-channeling approach

9 countries involved. Development of online courses, Mooc, e-guide / audio book for guidance counsellors

Contact details

Adress : 37 rue Labottière, 33000 Bordeaux, France

Phone :+33 (0)5 56 01 31 70

Mail :

website :


The organisation « International Association for Training and Research in Specialized Instruction, Health and Social Services ». Acronym – A.I.F.R.I.S.S.S.- is a Non-Profit Organisation operating in the educational, health and social fields ; its purpose is to recognize, value and combine training and professional practices.

AIFRISSS promotes on a national and international level expertises, research and training in joint direction of practitioners of specialized education, professionals and executives of health, social action and social work. The actions carried out encourage coherence, congruence and cohesion of the 3 fields: Education – Health – Social.

Training and research are produced mainly for the benefit of people in difficulty, these programs promote the integration, integration, inclusion of disadvantaged groups, particularly those of migrant groups.

Educational programs-EU

Educational programs-EU- coordinated by AIFRISSS on the theme of migrant groups:

  • Grundtvig 2. 2006-2008: Employability and training of disadvantaged migrants:AIFRISSS (Fr), University of the Basque Country (Es), Hogeschool Amsterdam (NL), CIDF (Fr) ; University of Lodz (Pl).
  • Grundtvig 2. 2008-2010: Accompanying precarious migrant minors : AIFRISSS (Fr) ,University of the Basque Country (Es), Hogeschool Amsterdam (Nl),CIDF (Fr).
  • Interreg Aquitaine-Euskadi 2009-2011: MENAS Unaccompanied immigrant minors in Aquitaine and Euskadi, analysis of the situation and development of a training plan for educators and leaders :AIFRISSS, ITS Pau, ASD Perigueux (New Aquitaine-Fr) / Universitad del Pais Vasco (Euskadi-Es).
Contact details

Address : AIFRISSS, 5 place de la république, 33270 Floirac, France

Phone : +33 (0)5 47 29 58 55 |+33 (0) 6 66 40 53 95



About K.S.D.E.O. EDRA

The organization ‘Social Cooperative Activities for Vulnerable Groups – EDRA’ (Abbreviation: K.S.D.E.O. “EDRA”) is a Non-Profit Organization – Social Cooperative, operating in the fields of mental health and mental retardation since 2001, aiming at the promotion of mental health, defending the rights of vulnerable groups and raising awareness on matters concerning mental health (such as syndrome and moderate or severe intellectual disabilities co-occurring with signs of autism).

“EDRA” operates in the following sectors:

  • Mental Health
  • Mental Retardation
  • Child and Family
  • Vulnerable Social Groups
Educational programs-EU

“EDRA” is also very active in the field of EU projects, having coordinated multiple large-scale projects under Erasmus+ (KA2, Sport) and Creative Europe (Culture) Programmes, as well as having participated in numerous projects as partner.

The organization has also vast experience when it comes to training; it operates a Lifelong Education Centre aiming, among others, to the continuous education of the organization’s employees.

Over the years, “EDRA” has offered its services to many hundreds of trainees, running courses for professionals of the Mental health field, social workers, artists and many others.

Contact details

Address : 5-7 Aeschylou str, Peristeri, 12134, Athens

Phone : +30 210-5913826

Fax : +30 210-5762861



About University of Huelva

The University of Huelva (UHU) is a Spanish public university in the province of the same name. It is included in the campus of international excellence

The University of Huelva is responsible for providing public service in higher education, through study, teaching and research, and has to promote the integral training of its own members, the values of justice, freedom and pluralism, as well as free and critical thought and research, in order to be an effective instrument of social transformation and progress. The University of Huelva is at the service of the intellectual and material development of the people, the defence of the environment and peace.

The University of Huelva has to fulfil the following functions :

  • The creation, development, dissemination and criticism of science, technology and culture.
  • The preparation for the exercise of professional activities, which require the application of technical or scientific knowledge and methods and for literary or artistic creation.
  • Scientific and technical support for cultural, social and economic development, with special attention to that of Huelva and the Andalusian Autonomous Community.
  • The extension of university culture.

The activity of the University of Huelva, as well as its autonomy, is based on the principle of academic freedom which is manifested in the freedoms of teaching, research and study.

A total of forty degrees are taught. Since 2009, as a result of the Bologna Process, some faculties have adopted the degree modality for seven of their degrees: Nursing, Social Work, Geology, Environmental Sciences, Chemistry, Law and Industrial Relations and Human Resources.

The different schools and faculties of the university are :

  • School of Engineering.
  • Faculty of Social Work.
  • Faculty of Nursing.
  • Faculty of Education, Psychology and Sports Sciences.
  • Faculty of Labour Sciences.
  • Faculty of Business Studies.
  • Faculty of Experimental Sciences.
  • Faculty of Law.
  • Faculty of Humanities.
Educational programs-EU

The involved researchers of the Departamento Sociología, Trabajo Social y Salud Pública,department, have produced numerous researches and surveys on migration and published various articles in scientific journals dealing with the issue of migrants and interculturality. Among them, the following can be cited :

  • « When Knowledge Is Not Enough: Elements to Strengthen Intercultural Sensitivity Among Professionals of Social Services in Andalusia (Spain) ». 2014
  • « Management of Diversity in the Delivery of Public Services. A Reflection from the Policies of Housing in Andalusia » 2015
  • «Spanish-Moroccan Families in a Context of Family Diversity in Spain. Challenges for the Construction of Interculturalism». 2015
  • «Provide culturally sensitive services. A challenge in complex societies». 2018
Contact details

Adress : University of Huelva, Calle Dr. Cantero Cuadrado nº 4- 6. 21071. Huelva. España

Phone : +34 959 21 96 58

Mail :

website :


The Federación Andalucía Acoge is a Non-Profit Social Entity (non-religious organization and nonpartisan) sited in the South of Spain (Andalusia Region) and the City of Ceuta and Melilla (at the North of Morocco). The entity with the national and international scope was funded in 1991 with the purpose of guaranty the rights and security for migrant people in Spain.

The location of the Federación Andalucía Acoge gives society a key point of view regarding the South Border, being the entity the main character about migration reality, borders, and compliance of fundamental rights.

Since 1991 we have bet on the diversity citizenship enriching the whole society and for minorities which are a meeting point to respect the differences of all people in Spain and in society.

The Federación Andalucía Acoge offers:

  • Support, guidance, and professional advice for migrant people, diverse families, and people linked with migration processes with housing, shelters, labor guidance, intercultural actions and proposals, communitarian actions, and legal defense programs.
  • Addressed to the whole society the actions are focused on lobby actions and proposals, Social Incidence, Educational and Communitarian actions. With numerous awareness campaigns and social incidence actions, we get labor improvements, legislative changes that respect human rights in all situations and especially for migrant people, and a major knowledge about interculturality and Cohesive citizenship, working with different stakeholders as educational centers, enterprises, public bodies, social entities, mass media, and communitarian areas.
Contact details

Address : C/ Márquez del Nervión 43, 41005, Sevilla (Spain)

Phone : +34 954 900 773


Web :

About Programma integra

Programma integra is a social cooperative based in Roma (Italy) whose aim is to implement and support pathways for the social inclusion of migrants and refugees, in order to promote the start-up of sustainable and durable processes of autonomy and to contribute to the welfare and the development of the Community.

Programma integra carries out this mission through its 5 areas of interventions :

  • Social Inclusion Area: interventions addressed to migrants, asylum seekers and refugees namely services of socio-legal assistance, job orientation, individual and group sessions of counselling, Italian language courses and vocational training, intercultural mediation services, social mediation in the field of housing.
  • Research and Exchange of Best Practices Area: National and European projects to expand and deepen the knowledge on topics related to migration and international protection. Main topics of the projects: social inclusion, training and job insertion of migrants, refugees and foreign minors; training and updating of social professionals; development of social and migrant entrepreneurship.
  • Socio Educational Area: projects and services aimed at early childhood and support for families, special attention to families in a fragile social condition. The main service is a nursery-type school for children age 18-36 months based on the Maria Montessori guidelines.
  • Training Area: training and updating courses and seminars to improve competences and knowledge in the field of reception and integration of migrants and refugees aimed at anyone who is employed or wishes to work within the migration area.
  • Technical assistance Area: technical support to the local administration in the planning, management, monitoring and accountability of innovative projects aimed at the social inclusion of migrants and refugees.
Contact details

IASIS is a non-governmental, non-profit organization active in the field of Social Inclusion, Mental Health and De-institutionalization, which actively participates in the psychiatric reform promoted by the Greek Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity and the European Union. The organization’s main objective is to provide psychosocial support and education to people who either belong to the range of or are at risk of exclusion, and to adult learners in the humanitarian field.

IASIS NGO began its actions in 2005. The first housing structure, a boarding house for 15 people with mental retardation, started to operate in 2006, while a second boarding house with another 15 people started to operate in 2018. In 2008, IASIS NGO’s activities in the field of de-institutionalization were extended with a Day Centre for people with psychosocial problems (80 people each year), and two Sheltered Apartments hosting 4 tenants each with mental health issues. The organizational cycle of de-institutionalization culminated at 2014 in the creation of Social Cooperative in 7th Psychiatric Sector named “Archipelagos”.

In the following years, IASIS NGO expanded its activities offering services to other vulnerable groups :

  • Homeless people (capacity of 50 persons per week, 60 protected houses in which former homeless are accommodated, counselling services for homeless and on the job training with support from DIKEOMA social enterprise).
  • Asylum Seekers/Refugees (70 Persons-families, Psycho-social Support Services for 220 Refugees, Host Unit for 350 asylum seekers, Hostel for 20 unaccompanied teenagers, Psychosocial Service of 2.500 persons)
  • Children at risk (Hostel for 100 children/victims of war)
  • Abused Women (Support of 200 women) and unemployed (Support for 90 people).
  • Youngsters at Social Exclusion Risk/Young Offenders (CONNECT YOUR CITY Youth Centre, Anti-bullying Work Group “Ailios”).

The organization has also developed a strong network across Europe, through which there have been designed and implemented dozens of Research and Educational Programs in the context of European and National frameworks (Erasmus+, Life Long Learning, etc.). The last step to establish IASIS NGO as an integrated Center for Psychosocial Education &Training is its certification as VET Provider (KEDIVIM 1) by the Greek National Accreditation Organization, a process that ensures the organization as an institution for the professional development of both beneficiaries and professionals.

Contact details

Adress : 297, Acharnon Str.P.C. 104 46 Athens, Greece

Phone : +302108655039

Mail :

website :


BUPNET GmbH, founded in 1985 under the name BUP, is an adult education organisation accredited by TÜV CERT.

BUPNET’s mission is to promote innovation in education and training. BUPNET has successfully organised numerous training courses in different sectors (social and health, ICT and new media, sustainable development, entrepreneurship, economics, blended learning, validation, project management, intercultural issues, etc.) in the framework of national and regional European projects.

BUPNET has considerable experience in European projects on the theme of education, training and e-learning and brings a long expertise in European project management, evaluation and European research on assessment and validation of informal learning.

For more than 5 years, BUPNET has been offering integration courses: German culture, civic education, job search and application, education system, childcare, health, daily life, media use, mobility, etc. Moreover, BUPNET has carried out a number of ESF-funded projects which particularly targeted women with a migrant background and low language skills.

Contact details

Address : BUPNET GmbH Am Leinekanal 4 37075 Göttingen Germany

Phone : +49 551 547070

Fax : ++49 551 54707-17


Website : or